Touchstone #2: Complexity, the unknown, and spontaneity

Education is richer for all involved if there is room for surprise. If no single teacher or learner can know all about anything, then there is the possibility for unexpected connections to be made, unplanned events to occur, and simple explanations to become more complex. Knowledge, if given space, is wondrously dynamic.

This touchstone celebrates the unpredictable as it pushes back against the desire to categorize, limit, and contain. It listens for a diversity of voices, especially those that are marginalized or lost in learning environments where the standardized, the measurable, and the definable are the focus. For educators, this involves risk. Emergent approaches tend to complicate situations and curriculum design can no longer rely solely on desired learning outcomes. The suggestion here is that the world does not work in a clean, predictable, linear fashion and that something important is lost when we assume that it does.

With this discussion as background, consider the question:

How did my practice today take risks in moving away from full control of assumed ends? And what further steps might I take to do so?